Saturday, October 3, 2015


Peace...something you feel after the job is done, the activity over, and you settle back for some time of rest and quiet.
I often feel peace when I am looking at water, and no longer on the water. Lake Bled is a peaceful place. After driving through the Alps for 3 hours, we arrived in one piece, and felt the peace of the place. The drive was scenic, and the roads good, but driving in a foreign country is always a bit stressful. The roads are twisty, there are long tunnels, roadworks, and tolls to be paid. I am getting better at all this, but I still made at least one wrong turn today, and the car's on-board computer keeps telling me the tire pressure is low. It is unnerving not to know which country you are in, how their road tax works, what is wrong with the car, or if you will arrive at our destination for the day.
After all this, arriving at our rooms for the evening and being served a cup of tea with shortbread by our host, brought me peace. Not having to drive, leaving the car in a safe parking spot, and going out for a walk brought peace. The calm waters of the lake reflecting the clouds and the sky brought me peace this evening.

Our walk around the lake led us by the church of St. Martin. Inside I found a display of lace doves, suspended in a glass case. When you go inside the exhibit, the glass case around you gives the illusion of many more white doves flying, yet not moving. I found the display quite beautiful, and read that it was made by local tatters to celebrate peace after WWII.  Compared with neighboring countries, Slovenia avoided much of the conflict. They value their peace.
Have peace.

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