Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Bump in the Road

The energy on our road trip was waning, as is the number of reads of this blog. Things start to get samey, and need a change up. I got a shake up from a knocking sound coming from the engine on our drive towards Split. I stopped as soon as possible and a helpful mechanic could find nothing wrong. He suggested I go to the BMW dealership in Split. There I met Mario, who spoke fluent English with me, German with another couple, and quickly found the problem with our cars. When the car broke down before, I could laugh about it. Now I felt like someone was causing me harm as I heard that the car could not be driven further without replacing the drive shaft. The part needed to be ordered, and that meant five days and many dollars.
 Jon suggested I sell the car and fly home. Appealing advice, but not very practical. DC and Mo suggested we take a bus to Sarajevo while we wait for the car.
So we set out on an 8 hour bus ride. My family has a game for long rides where we look for words starting with each letter of the alphabet on signs. I had plenty of time, but the signs didn't mean much to me. Hear is my version of the game on the bus today:
A: Adriatic Coast
B: BMW dealership where we left the car
C: Croatian coast and climbing
D; Driving south towards Dubrovnik
E: EU and Euro friendly
F: Fishing boats
G: Guards at the border enter the bus
H: leaving Hrvatska, entering Herzegovina
I: Inland route
J:Jars of honey to buy
K: Kuna to Konvertible Mark currency change
L: Lakes
M: Mountains and Mostar
N: No picture of the famous bridge because buses don't stop for that
O: Olive trees and Olive Oil
P: Pomegranates and pumpkins
Q: mosQues appearing 
R: River running through Rocky valleys
S: on to Sarajevo
T: Tunnels to go through the mountains instead of around
U; Unspoiled
V: Vineyards in Valleys
W: a Water Wheel turning roasting spits of lamb
X; uneXpected supper stop at a restaurant
Y: Yellow leaves making it look like fall, but it feels like summer
Z; ZZZZ its been a long day

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