Sunday, September 13, 2015

Last Time

As we were leaving Meteora in Greece, DC asked me if I was likely to return there. If we think we will never be back somewhere, that it is our last time, then we are more likely to try to make lasting memories and pack in the experiences. I really thought I would never be back in Bulgaria after living there in 1993, and I remember trying to make note of everything I wanted to remember.
I find myself unexpectedly revisiting the town of Ohrid, in Macedonia. I was here in June with my family, loved the place, and jumped at the chance of returning. Of course this visit was quite different from my last visit. This time I am with two practical ladies who hang their washing on the balcony, before I was with two surly teenagers who resisted my suggestions that we visit old churches and pose for pictures. The place is the same, but I find myself noticing different things this time round. I can look past the awe-inspiring views of the lake and mountains to the homes and gardens of the town. There are figs, grape vines, and kiwi growing in and around the streets and doorways. The windows are draped with strings of red peppers hung out to dry along with the washing. People are roasting peppers in their back yards, and parents are busy painting the school for the start of the year.
I was also able to visit a 5th century Basilica with intricate floor mosaics that I had missed last time due to my stubbornly taking a wrong turn. I got lost in the maze of cobbled stone streets and ascending stairs, and ended up back at our hotel. 
Our memories of a place are closely connected to the people we were with. I was last here with my family, and they will always help me make the best memories, because I enjoy being with them, surly teenagers and all.  I found myself looking forward to returning to live in Bulgaria 20 years later because of the memories of the people we met then. Our colleagues at the school, who we came to depend on for everything from transportation, childcare and daily survival, were a huge part of our memories and reason to return. The people you appreciate become the reason your last time might not be your last time.

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