Monday, September 21, 2015

Let's Eat

Why do we take pictures of our food? When we are served a great looking meal, we just have to share the look of it with friends. It is the same as wanting to share the taste of the dish with someone you are dining with. It is too good to keep to yourself. 
And people like to see pictures of food. I got a comment on my blog, and it was about how good the coffee looked.  We like to know what other people are eating when they visit a new place. What is the food like in Croatia?  If you like the food in a place, then you like the place. I didn't expect to like the food in Bosnia Herzegovina, but on a rainy day, the food suggested to us by our local tour guide was very comforting. Here is a sample:
Our first stop was for a meat dish, "cevapi", minced meat pellets served in fresh pita bread and cream cheese. We managed to eat the same portion size served to the workmen at the next table.
Our next stop was for desert, "tufahije", stewed apple with walnut-filling and whipped cream. I opted for the more western style espresso coffee instead of the Bosnian "Turkish" coffee.
The last treat was pomegranate juice fresh squeezed from a street vendor with a quite impressive machine.  I spent, in total, about 10 Euros for the lot.

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