Sunday, September 6, 2015


There is a silver lining in every cloud...; When one door shuts, two more open...; there are so many metaphors I could use to start this blog. After being denied the job I really wanted, offered two I didn't, I suddenly had a unique opportunity to travel with friends on a road trip. I imagined a journey of self discovery similar to "Eat, Pray, Love", although mine would be more along the lines of "Eat, Learn, Find a New Job".
We charted our course, packed our bags and started off to destination #1, only to have engine trouble after only two hours on the road.

We struggled with the heat, the Bulgarian language, the sheer remoteness  of where we were, and the fear that we may have dreamed a bit too high. Humbly accepting a tow from a stranger with a flat bed truck, we found ourselves in a decidedly unglamorous hotel waiting for the service station to look at the car. All we could do was laugh about it and hope for good news tomorrow.

I decided that "Eat, Laugh, Learn" was a better title, and would help me to take myself less seriously.
(Photo of me and our colorful mechanic below.  He was the beginning of our laughter.)

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